DUI Refusal Suspensions . . . In addition to the DUI suspension?

Driving under the Influence (DUI) cases in Pennsylvania carry with them the possibility of harsh mandatory incarceration penalties, mandatory fines, and the added collateral civil consequence of license suspensions. When someone is arrested for DUI and is asked to submit to a chemical test of… read more

DUI Suspensions and more – License Options

In Pennsylvania, there are many offenses that, if convicted, carry with them a license suspension for the offender. DUI, certain levels of speeding, possession of a controlled substance and even underage drinking are a few of these offenses. When someone has a DUI suspension or… read more

DUI Law – Push for Ignition Interlock for First Offense DUI

Recently, there has been word that there will be a renewed push for new legislation requiring first time DUI offenders to install an ignition interlock system in their vehicle once convicted. Currently, this is not a requirement to a first offense DUI sentence in Pennsylvania…. read more

Pennsylvania DUI Defense: Top Three Arguments

When someone has been arrested and charged with a DUI offense in West Chester, or anywhere in Pennsylvania – there are three types of common DUI defense arguments (among others) to the DUI charges. Theses three general DUI defenses are: The Law The Facts The… read more

Holiday DUI Enforcement

It is New Years Eve – Holiday DUI Enforcement is Sure to Occur It is not a surprise that when a holiday occurs, law enforcement begins to focus on DUI enforcement. I don’t believe many would argue with the fact that there are few holidays that… read more

PBT Tests – When Can the Results Be Used Against You?

A “PBT test”, or preliminary breath test, is a device that allows an officer to test a person’s blood alcohol concentration without transporting them for a formal breath or blood test. These PBT’s are typically utilized by officers in DUI, drunk driving and underage drinking… read more

Holiday Season = Parties, Drinks and DUI Checkpoints

With the holiday season fast approaching it is important to be aware that police officers in Chester County and elsewhere in the surrounding areas will be conducting DUI checkpoints. Police utilize sobriety checkpoints in their effort to enforce the drunk driving laws in the state,… read more

Per se DUI in Pennsylvania

Under the current Pennsylvania DUI Laws, the prosecution does not always need to prove that a driver was “impaired” or “intoxicated” while operating a motor vehicle in order to prove they were guilty of DUI. The Pennsylvania DUI statute as it currently stands provides for what… read more

DUI – Implied Consent and Refusals

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as a condition of maintaining a driver’s license, all drivers are subject to the implied consent requirements of the Motor Vehicle Code – thus, a driver must submit to blood and breath tests under appropriate circumstances. Practically speaking, what this… read more