Michael DiCindio | January 13, 2023 | Self-Defense
Do I Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer if I Shoot Someone Who Breaks Into My House in West Chester?
Many people own firearms, and for a variety of reasons. Self-defense in the event of an incident is a common reason for keeping a firearm in your home. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution gives us the right to keep and bear arms. … read more
Michael DiCindio | June 14, 2022 | Self-Defense
Pennsylvania Self Defense Laws
Generally, the use of force against another person is a crime. However, the law allows for the use of force in certain situations. Using deadly force might be justified in some cases. Pennsylvania defines the use of force in self-protection in 18 Pa. C.S. §505…. read more
Michael DiCindio | April 11, 2017 | Self-Defense
Self-Defense in Pennsylvania
Under Pennsylvania law when a crime of violence has been alleged a criminal defense attorney must evaluate the circumstances and determine whether or not self-defense would be an available principle of justification and defense in the criminal case. Whether it be a prosecution of simple… read more