What Is The Difference Between Aggravating and Mitigating Factors?

When people in Pennsylvania are found guilty of crimes, judges will need to determine what sentences are appropriate. What Is The Difference Between Aggravating and Mitigating Factors? The determination of sentences for people convicted of crimes will depend on multiple factors. Judges analyze the various… read more

What is the legal definition of murder?

In Pennsylvania, murder charges are the most serious types of charges that people might face. If you are accused of murder, you could face up to life in prison or capital punishment, depending on the type of murder you are accused of committing. Because of… read more

What is manslaughter?

 In Pennsylvania, two types of manslaughter are recognized in the law, including voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. While these crimes are criminal homicides, they are less serious than murder charges. If you have been charged with voluntary or involuntary manslaughter, you should talk to Michael DiCindio… read more

What Is Felony Drunk Driving / Felony DUI?

In Pennsylvania, most DUI cases are charged as misdemeanor offenses. However, the state passed a stricter law in 2018 that makes certain types of DUIs felonies. There are also circumstances under which other DUIs can result in felony charges. If you are facing felony charges… read more

Pennsylvania’s Stand Your Ground Law: What You Need To Know

“Stand your ground” laws have been particularly divisive ever since the case involving the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in 2012. Some critics of these laws have referred to them as “shoot first” laws. Proponents of these laws argue that innocent people… read more

How to Avoid a Criminal Record for First-Time Offenders

If you have a criminal record, it can seriously impact your life. A conviction can cause you to lose your job or to have problems finding a new position. Some convictions may cause you to lose your ability to get financial aid for school. You… read more

Rule 600 in Pennsylvania

The wheels of justice turn slowly. An old saying that we who practice in the criminal defense field think about weekly – if not daily. Even though the slow crawl that criminal cases sometimes take is to be expected at times, it is important to… read more

Merger of Criminal Offenses

Many times individuals enter a lawyer’s office wondering why they have been charged with numerous counts of the same or similar offense. While it is not always the case, it is important to know what crimes will or may “merge” for sentencing purposes after trial… read more

Plea Negotiations in Criminal Cases

In today’s modern legal world an increasingly small number of cases filed have been reaching trial, whether bench or jury.   While the reasons for this shift are numerous and subject to much debate, the take away is that securing counsel who is not only competent… read more

Mental Health Defenses and Requirements in Criminal Law

Mental health and its interplay with the criminal justice system is an often misunderstood issue. It is also a very complicated issue.  Two of the main issues that often arise when addressing mental health and how it applies to a criminal prosecution are competency and… read more