dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client accused of burglarizing a deceased friend’s home. All charges were withdrawn.
Free consultation: (610) 430-3535 |
24/7 Assistance (610) 220-4691 |
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client accused of burglarizing a deceased friend’s home. All charges were withdrawn.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client alleged to have strangled a significant other during argument. Case was resolved with a summary offense prior to trial but after contentious preliminary hearing.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client charged with intentional misrepresentation of information on a Federal and State firearm application form. All charges were withdrawn prior to preliminary hearing.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Man charged with assaulting police in his home. All charges were withdrawn prior to preliminary hearing.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client stole over 200,000 dollars from a local municipality. Client sentenced to probation despite Commonwealth advocating for a lengthy jail sentence at sentencing.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Client charged in a state-wide, 10 co-defendant case. After Mike DiCindio completed a detailed pre-trial investigation into the client’s alibi employing the use of digital forensics – all charges were withdrawn prior to reaching a hearing.
dicindiolaw | December 3, 2021 |
Complaining witness stabbed with a knife in the chest and head. Client was charged with Attempted Homicide which was dismissed after litigation at the preliminary hearing. Case later resolved a misdemeanor probationary sentence.